Get 15% off your cleaning fee with Cleanshades with a valid invoice from ClimaShield. Remember to quote “ClimaShield” while making your enquiry. Cleaning fees for Ziptrak® blinds retail at $60 per metre (width), for blinds up to 3m in height.

What’s better? The 15% discount is applicable to all your upholstery needs as well. So if your sofas, mattresses, curtains, or carpets require some tender loving care as well, you’ll receive a 15% off the entire bill, and not just on blinds.

Founded in 2019, Cleanshades provides specialised on-site soft-furnishings cleaning and disinfection service for residential and corporate customers. Using high-pressure steam, Cleanshades will remove accumulated dirt, and sanitise your blinds simultaneously, without damaging the fabric or using toxic chemicals.

Watch the Cleanshades team work on Ziptrak® outdoor blinds in this video.

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